Mystery Codes

A mystery code is a code that can be redeemed on Fantasy North for a mystery reward. You can obtain mystery codes by purchasing select products from our store. To view which products contain a mystery code, click here.

Redeeming Codes

To redeem mystery codes, make sure you are logged into your account first, then go to the code redemption page and enter your codes.


The rewards you can earn for redeeming a mystery code will depend upon the type of products you purchased that contained the mystery codes. For instances, mystery codes obtained from purchasing eligible Pokemon products would be redeemable for rewards that are tailored for Pokemon fans. Likewise, mystery codes obtained from purchasing eligible Yugioh! products would be redeemable for rewards that are tailored for Yugioh! fans.

Currently, we are only offering mystery codes with select Pokemon products. You can view all Pokemon products that come with a mystery code here.

See below for rewards you can currently earn through mystery codes. Remember to look at the product section that applies to you (e.g. Pokemon Rewards).

Obtainable rewards for mystery codes from Pokemon products are shown below, from higher likelihood (top) to lower likelihood (bottom):

  • 1 Reward Point
  • 5 Reward Points
  • 10 Reward Points
  • 25 Reward Points
  • 50 Reward Points
  • 100 Reward Points
  • 250 Reward Points
  • Ultra Rare Pokemon Card Single
  • 500 Reward Points
  • Premium Ultra Rare Pokemon Card Single

Claiming a Reward

When you submit a valid, unused mystery code, your reward will be shown to you immediately afterwords.

If your code awards reward points, they will automatically be added to your account.

If your codes awards a physical item, then you will need to go to your code history page to state the address you would like it shipped to. You can keep track of the status of your submitted codes from that page.


Mystery codes do expire; please check your product code to see when.

All mystery codes must be redeemed by the date they expire. Once a mystery code has expired, our system will no longer honor that code.


    1. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged codes. We are unable to replace lost, damaged, or stolen codes.
    2. We are not responsible for rewards shipped to a wrong address due to user error. Please make sure your selected shipping address is correct before submitting. If you do submit the wrong address, please contact us immediately.
    3. We are not responsible for rewards shipped to a wrong address due to unauthorized access. Please make sure to secure your account with a strong password, limit who has access to the account, and logout of the site when you are finished browsing. Be especially wary when using public computers.
    4. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged goods shipped to you that were obtained through mystery codes.